"A yearly qualification is a state requirement; It is not considered training in criminal and civil litigation. Continuing education, supplementary training, and personal experience can help an officer develop weapon management and the motor movements of shooting to the point they are so ingrained that they're automatic, freeing an officer's mental resources for observation, cognitive processing, and immediate decision-making."
Training for LEO’S, Constables, Private Security
- Prepare officers for immediate, spontaneous, lethal attacks.
- Prepare officers for assaults by multiple threats and uninvolved subjects.
- Base training on the fact that most officers are killed at short distances.
- Base training on the fact that officers will have limited fine and complex motor control.
- Integrate two-person contact and cover teams involved in realistic scenarios.
- Emphasize the survival mindset and the will to win in all skills training.
- Integrate one-handed firing of a handgun. Include dominant and support hand, plus drawing, reloading and stoppage clearing.
- Emphasize dim- or no light situations as much as daylight training.
- Integrate “moving then shooting” and “moving while shooting” techniques.
- Integrate engagement techniques for moving targets, both laterally and charging.
- Department qualifications
- Retired officer qualifications