28-Hour "G" Certification Class & Schedule.
Chapter 493, Florida Statutes, requires an applicant for a Class "G" Statewide Firearms License to satisfy minimum training criteria for firearms established by rule of The Department of Agriculture, which includes but is not limited to, 28 hours of range and classroom training taught and administered by a Class "K" instructor. Once licensed, each Class "G" licensee who job duties require him or her to carry a firearm of a type and caliber different from or in addition to the firearm upon which he or she is qualified, must take a 4-hour training class specific to that firearm's type and caliber.
This course provides students with the basic knowledge and proficiency skills needed to safely handle and shoot a handgun (revolver or semiautomatic pistol).
Along with extensive educational material on firearm safety and the mechanical operation of firearms, this course also includes material on various legal aspects of firearm ownership, possession, and use. At the conclusion of the classroom portion of the 28-hour course, an examination will be administered to test the student's mastery of the content.
On the range students will be required to demonstrate proficiency in shooting a handgun by passing the course of fire outlined in the student training manual as prescribed by The Department of Agriculture.
28- hour classes conducted at:
Fishhawk Sporting Clays Allied Universal Security Service Allied Universal Security Service
13505 Hobson Simmons Rd. 405 N. Reo St 5971 Cattleridge BLVD.
Lithia, FL 33547 Tampa, FL 33609 Sarasota, FL 34232
4-Hour Annual "G" Re-Qualification Course
Per Florida State Chapter 493, all Florida State Licensed "G" Armed Security Officers must re-qualify with their handgun annually.
You will be required to submit your 4 hour firearm re-certification training instructed by a Florida Class K Instructor to the Division of Licensing upon completion of your course. (Certificate of Firearms Proficiency for Statewide Firearms License)
Student Requirements: You are required to attend classroom lectures that include, legal aspects of the use of firearms, firearms familiarization, mechanical operation and marksmanship. Upon completion of the classroom portion a written exam will be administered and the student must achieve a minimum score of 70% in order to pass the exam.
The students will then go to the range where they will perform practical exercise, walk - through / dry fire of qualification course. Students will shoot 3 strings of 48 rounds (1 practice and 2 qualification rounds) for a total of 144 rounds. A student qualifying on any of the rounds of fire will not be required to shoot additional strings of fire, and will be allowed to use that qualifying score for certification. Students are required to show a minimum proficiency of 70% on the basic firearms course of fire.
- Eye and Ear Protection
- Range Appropriate Attire
- Firearm
- 3 Magazines or Speed Loaders
- Duty Belt or Strong Side Holster and Magazine Pouch
- Flashlight
- 144 rounds of ammunition
- Weapon Cleaning Equipment
Fishhawk Sporting Clays Allied Universal Security Services Allied Universal Security Services
13505 Hobson Simmons Rd. 405 N. Reo St. 5971 Cattleridge BLVD.
Lithia, FL 33547 Tampa, FL 33609 Sarasota, FL 34232